Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Science Fiction - Blade Runner Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Science Fiction - Blade Runner - Term Paper Example Rather than judging the movie, according to a pre-existing definition of post modernism, it is important to look at how the movie has used the images of the postmodern to reinforce certain themes. In order to effectively study how postmodernism has been embraced in this film, we can categorize the postmodern characteristic as concern for language as a means of communication, a concern with the relationship of love verses duty and an analysis of an individual’s relationship to the society that he or she belongs to. The film does not take place in a space station or a space ship, but in a city which is Los Angeles, in 2019, a step away from the development of a society that is contemporary. The line between late capitalism and postmodernism is highlighted in the film representation of a postindustrial decay (Peary 1984). The future as expressed in the film, does not realize an idealized aseptic technological order, however, it resembles the present state of the city and of the order of capitalism (Brooker 2002). Postmodernism in the film has also been reflected as to how individual’s in the film related to each other in the society that they belong to. For an instant, there is much disagreement among both filmmakers and fans as to exactly why Roy saves Deckard life at the end of the movie. According to Ridley Scott, â€Å"it was an endorsement in a way that this character is more human than human in that he was able to demonstrate human quality at a time when the roles in the film were reversed and Deckard could have been happy to kill him. But instead Roy takes the human direction. Also, in a way, because Roy requires a kind of a death watch, in which he vividly knows that his time of dying is closing up. So in a sense he is passing the information that what their creators are doing is wrong and the thing that they have to do is to either stop making them or to deal with them as humans † (Will 2005). Another idea that Scott has implemented

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